
Welcome to the Music Menu section (part 3).

Here we have a selection of the latest album covers and back covers. To see the larger imager roll your mouse over the thumbnails. To find more information and hear tracks, click on the written links below!

healing hands front cd cover large

healing hands cd cover thumbnail image healing hands back image thumbnail Come on-a my house CD cover thumbnail come on-a my house CD backcover thumnbnailgreat balls of fire CD thumbnail Great balls of fire thumnail CD back cover lift your stein cd cover thumnail lift your stein CD back cover thumnail addicted cd cover thumbnail addicted cd back cover thumbnailthumbnail image of the front cover of he ain't heavy he ain't heavy back cover thumbnail image Ready teedy front cover thumbnail ready teddy back cover thumbnailCD singalong Christmas CD front cover thumbnail image Christmas singalong Christmas CD back cover thumbnail image mickey CD front thumbnail mickey cd back image thumbnail Blockbuster CD cover thumbnail image Blockbuster CD back cover thumnail image


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Please click on the links below which indicate the titles of the CDs to hear the songs!

Healing hands
Come on-a my house
Great balls of fire
Lift your stein
He ain't heavy
Ready Teddy
Captain Barb's Christmas Singalong
Hey, Mickey!



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indian heart link back image