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Reach for the sky


The 'Reach for the sky' album is in to celebrate my success in achieving my PPL licence! 'Love hurts' by the Everly brothers, is a lovely song with a harmony, which I was quite pleased with! There is quite a mixture of songs on here, soft and slow, like the beautiful song 'Juliet' by the Four Pennies, and wild and rocking tracks such as 'Summertime Blues' by Eddie Cochran. 'Well I ask you' by Eden Kane is another of my favourites, and I feel that this type of song should have more of an airing on the airways than it ever gets these days! The classic standard 'Bad, bad Leroy Brown' was great fun to do to. Of course we cannot be without an Elvis number in 'I'm falling in love tonight'. Enjoy all the tracks!


To play the tracks, use the virtual CD player on the right hand side of the track list. The tracks appear as they do on the CD (below left), but in the virtual player they are in alphabetical order. Just select the one you want to hear and use the buttons as you would for a normal CD player! For those of you using an iPhone, or other devices which does not support Flash, click the track names one by one to listen to the songs (as requested by my brother Eddy!).



Track listing:


Love hurts

Well I ask you


Poor little fool

Achy, breaky heart

Bad, bad Leroy Brown

I'm falling in love tonight

Happy Birthday sweet 16

Stealin' time

Summertime blues

Rave on

What do you want



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