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Avenues and Alleyways

Another Indiana Jones insprired cover, 'Avenues and Alleyways' originally sung by Tony Christie is the wonderful title track. 'Come Prima' and 'Valencia' were inspired by Mario Lanza, four covers of Dave Edmunds songs, 'Back to Schooldays', 'Bad is Bad', 'Sweet Little Lisa', and 'Blue Monday'. Revisited some Mud songs with 'He Got the Devil in his Eyes', and 'Hypnosis'. Hope you enjoy the tracks!

To play the tracks, use the virtual CD player created by Elfsight. The widget is free and fabulous! Just select the one you want to hear and use the buttons as you would for a normal CD player! Having been let down by widgets before, I have put links to the tracks at the bottom of the page also, so you can just click the track names one by one to listen to the songs. I would also like to thank the brilliant Leo from Muga Beats whose website I stumbled upon, which helped me create the accompaniment to some of the songs. A great service and wonderful customer service. Thank you.


Track listing:

Avenues and alleyways
Come prima
He got the devil in his eyes
Teenage heaven
Blue Monday
Back to schooldays
The night has a thousand eyes
Alexander Graham Bell
Sweet little Lisa
Blue velvet
Bad is bad

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