This album's title was inspired by Christian Archer, one of my flying instructors, who had this image in his mind when I told him about my unfortunate freak accident on 22nd February when I was knocked off my bicycle by an unknown living object! For some reason he could not get out his mind the possible image of a malicious armadillo leaping out from the fields of Wootton. This of course is probably unlikely, but it made me laugh (painfully) when I was lying in hospital with broken ribs, a damaged lung and bruises everywhere! I am pleased with my two Dave Edmunds tracks of 'Queen of Hearts' and 'Dear Dad', the lively Dire Straits number 'Twistin' by the pool', and my silly impression of Windsor Davies on the version of 'Whispering Grass' perfomed originally by him and Don Estelle. There are the usual Elvis tracks for my Mum, and I think you will like the Eddie Cochran number 'Weekend' too! Enjoy! (and watch out for marauding armadillos!)
To play the tracks, use the virtual CD player on the right hand side of the track list. The tracks appear as they do on the CD (below left), but in the virtual player they are in alphabetical order. Just select the one you want to hear and use the buttons as you would for a normal CD player! For those of you using an iPhone, or other devices which does not support Flash, click the track names one by one to listen to the songs (as requested by my brother Eddy!).
Track listing: