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Please click on the small images to view a larger version of each painting. Most of these can also be viewed on my Facebook Page Flying Tigress Artwork.

Extra 200 G-GVEN at Conington thumbnail paintingpainting of my Dad with Polish Flag thumbnailExtra 200 G-EEEK airborne painting thumbnailExtra200thumnailchipmunk WG348 drawing thumbnailSpitfire RFM thumnail image drawingvertical flying Spitfiremario lanza thumbnail second colour pictureMario Lanza drawing thumnail colourMario Lanza drawingraiders publicity paintingmap room indiana jones painting thumbnailfull moon drawing thumbnailindianajones and the temple of doom thumbnail picture drawingindianajones and the crystal skull thumbnail drawing Dave Edmunds 87 thumbnail artDave Edmunds 1982 drawing thumbnailSpitfire MFX drawing thumbnailHenry Jones and Henry Jones Junior thumbnail art Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail thumbnail art Tiger Mothe Finest Hour experiences thumbail art Dynamite at old warden wiyth dudley thumbnail art Mudry Cap10B aerobatic thumnail artwork Raider of the Lost ark Map room thumnail art Indiana Jones in the Temple of doom on the bridge thumbnail art Indiana Jones in Last Crusade thumnail art Commission for Sean Macdonald thumnail art Cate Brancart commission PA28 thumbnail art Zenair commission thumnail art G-OPTI drawing thumnail G-BOZI thumbnail art lion roaring pencil drawing thumbnail Europa commission number two for Paul Mansfield Europa commission for Paul Mansfield My Mum and Dad a pencil drawing It ain't half hot Mum sketch in pencil Finnish Lapphund Heikki pencil drawing G-BBMV airborne art thumbnaildynamiteairthumbnailelodie and laurence art tb HMS Repulse pencil drawing thumbnaoilcutztbelvistbartsilverspitartpatriotic lion with red roses painted for our master bedroomlilac tiger painted for our lilac roompainting of aquariumderwent lightfast drawing of a swallowtail butterflyderwent lightfast drawing of a robinderwent pencil drawing of Dynamite G-BTNTcomission drawing of Janet's cat Sashacomission drawing of Janet's cat BlueSpitfire rw382 drawingJaguar drawn with derwent pencilstiger drawn with derwent pencilschipmunk sortie drawing of me abd G-BBMVchipmunk at goodwood by John Richardson drawingindiana jones drawing thumbnailhurricane by db painting thumbnailchipmunk by drone painting thumbnailspitfiredb thumbnail paintinghurricane navy painting thumbnailspitfire p9374 painting thumbnailboultbee spitfire paitning thumbnailspitfire n17 thumbnailpainting spitfire wzl thumbnailpa28 gbtnt thumbnailspitfire from photo by John Richardson thumbnailhurricaneupwthumbnailhurricanerfethumbnail solochipmunkpaintingtgthumbnailspitfireprototypethumbnailheikkitb

kimifinnishlapphundthumbnail kirijapanesespitzthumbnail daschundtobythumbnailspitfireDCthumnailchipmunk solo thumbnailMick and Barbara Spitfire painting thumbnailBarbara and Spitfire thumbnailbandthumbmudthumb tigerlovethumb canine-triothumbkanhathumbcatnapthumb roarthumb moonthumb tigermoonthumbpegasusthumb sukikirithumb

purrfetcthumbt17 with her tail upShah Rukh Khan thumbnailmoonlight flight painting thumbnailtwo Finnish Laphunds, thumbnail image majesty of the tigress painting thumbnailThe Umarpani tigress on the prowlWoburn tigress feeding pencil sketch Woburn tigress feeding sketch 2 Woburn tigress feeding sketch 3


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