Human Cytogenetics A Practical Approach
D Rooney B Czepulkowski
Paperback: 241 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press; (1986)
ISBN-10: 947946-70-5
Our understanding of the structure of human chromosomes, together with a rapidly expanding range of specific techniques available for their analysis, is now proving invaluable in the diagnosis of many chromosomal and some genetically based disorders. Human Cytogenetics gives not only established protocols from leading laboratories, but also the background and theory which will enable diagnosticians and students to make the most effective use of them. This book also covers new specialist techniques being developed for use in research and diagnosis, which include flow karyotyping, in situ hybridisation and somatic cell hybrid culture. This manual will provide workers in hospitals and universities, either new to the field, or requiring a wider methodological repertoire, with a unique and comprehensive guide to Cytogenetics.